Unit 6 Resources - Vulnerable Populations
Unit 6 : Week 10 and 11 Identifying vulnerable populations in your area, comparing rates of disease among vulnerable population in your region and explaining determinants of relevant chronic diseases in a particular vulnerable group.
References Week 10
Ferreira, J. B. B., Santos, L. L. dos, Ribeiro, L. C., Rodrigues Fracon, B. R., & Wong, S. (2021). Vulnerability and Primary Health Care: An Integrative Literature Review. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. https://doi.org/10.1177/21501327211049705
An article to focus on defining vulnerable populations. The question is asked of what is the concept of vulnerability and how does it affect public health? Many studies looked at to determine the importance of defining vulnerability and how public health can help or harm vulnerable populations.
Government of Canada; Indigenous Services Canada. (2021, October 29). Indigenous health care in Canada. Government of Canada; Indigenous Services Canada. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from https://www.sac- isc.gc.ca/eng/1626810177053/1626810219482
Website that begins to describe the Canada Health Act before breaking down health care for Indigenous people. Indigenous Service Canada funds or directly provides services for the Indigenous people of Canada. There is a breakdown of the provinces and territories and their additional funding and partnerships with the Indigenous groups of the area.
Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S., & Lindsay, N. (2018). Challenges in health equity for Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Lancet, 391(10131), 1645-1648. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30177-6
Discusses that Canada has led work to “bridge the gap” between health inequities within its country but still has inequities within Indigenous people and health care. Social determinants of health remind us how Indigenous people and their health are affected.
Indigenous knowledge to close gaps in indigenous health ... (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpKjtujtEYI=IpKjtujtEYI
Marcia Anderson-DeCoteau speaks to systemic racism within the healthcare field. This TedX talk focuses on closing the gap within the healthcare for Indigenous people.
Richmond, C., A., M. & Cook, C. (2016). Creating conditions for Canadian aboriginal healthy equity: The promise of healthy public policy. Public Health Reviews 37(2). 1-16. DOI 10.1186/s40985-016-0016-5
Discusses healthy public policy and being introduced in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. The only national-level legislation specific to First Nations people remains the Indian Act of 1876. The article examines the Indian Act and patterns of Indigenous Health.
The Conference Board of Canada. (n.d.). Addressing the causes of indigenous vulnerability to pandemics-not just the symptoms. The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from https://www.conferenceboard.ca/insights/blogs/addressing-the-causes-of-indigenous-vulnerability-to- pandemics-not-just-the-symptoms
This website is a clear assessment of how the Indigenous people in Canada were set up to deal with the pandemic. Lack of resources put an already vulnerable population, even in worse shape in regards to the pandemic response.
References for Week 11 Unit 6 Continued
Ecker, J., Aubrey, T., & Sylvestre, J. (2022). Experiences of LGBTQ adults who have accessed emergency shelters in a large urban city in Canada. Social Work in Public Health, 37(2), 168-185. DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2021.1976345
This article reviews a study taken on adults who identify as LGBTQ and have accessed a homeless shelter. The individuals were interviewed and experiences were noted during their stay both positive and negative.
Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. I., Simoni, J. M., Kim, H. J., Lehavot, K., Walters, K. L., Yang, J., & Hoy-Ellis, C. P. (2014). The health equity promotion model: Reconceptualization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health disparities. AM J Orthopsychiatry, 84(6), 653-663. doi: 10.1037/ort0000030
The authors of the article discuss health disparities within the LGBT group and identify the way to eliminate these disparities would be to work on the health equity promotion model. Some studies are indicating that LGBT adults may be at a higher risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Government of Ontario, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. (n.d.). Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) - ministry programs - health care professionals - moh. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/heia/
An assessment completed to identify health inequities for LGBT2SQ individuals within ontario. This assessment includes important factors needed to consider when caring for a member of this group. It breaks down the areas that are affected within the social determinants of health as well.
Hafeez, H., Zeshan, M., Tahir, A. M., Jahan, N., & Naveed, S. (2017). Health care disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: A literature review. Cureus, 9(4), e1184. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1184
This article recognizes that every race and social class has members of the LGBT community. It verifies that LGBT youth are at a higher risk for substance use, sexually transmitted diseases, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, bullying, isolation, rejection, anxiety, depression and suicide compared to their heterosexual peers. This review highlights the challenges faced by LGBT youth and to enhance awareness for healthcare providers. LGBT youth struggle with significant health care issues in terms of increased prevalence of disease and lack of screening for work up to identify disease.
Is sexuality and substance abuse correlated within the ... (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJspLQpsRUI?ecver=2
Couples discuss their struggles with addiction and whether or not they view their sexuality as something that increased their desire to use.
LGBTIQ people talk about their experiences ... - youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5-7t_qBw14
Youtube clip of LGBTIQ individuals talking about their healthcare experience within New Zealand.
McDermott, E., Hughes, E., & Rawlings, V. (2018). The social determinants of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth suicidality in England: A mixed methods study. Journal of Public Health (Oxford, England) 40(4): e244-e251.
The article presents the results from a national mixed method study conducted in England that examined the social determinants of health for the LGBT youth suicidality and self harm. Anecdotal evidence and survey results were brought into the article as well.
Medley G, Lipari R, Bose J, Cribb D, Kroutil L, McHenry G. Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adult Substance Use and Mental Health: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. NSDUH Data Review. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-SexualOrientation-2015/NSDUH-SexualOrientation- 2015/NSDUH-SexualOrientation-2015.htm. Published October 2016.
Research that was collected to suggest that LGBT individuals are at a greater risk for substance abuse, smoking, drinking, more likely to need substance abuse treatment, more likely to have a mental illness, and more likely to receive mental health treatment.
The 519. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from https://www.the519.org/education-training/lgbtq2s-youth- homelessness-in-canada/in-canada
An infographic of homelessness of LGBT youth in Canada.