Unit 1 Resources - Interprofessional Connectedness
Unit 1 : Week 1 and 2 consisted of introductions, social media audits, health information audits and an introduction to your profession.
College of Nurse of Ontario. (2020, February). Legislation and Regulation An Introduction to the Nursing Act, 1991. https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/41064_fsnursingact.pdf
Information from the College of Nurses of Ontario regarding the Nursing Act and health legislation for nurses in Ontario to follow.
Flood, C.M, & Thomas, B. (2016). Modernizing the Canada health act. Dalhousie Law Journal, 39(2), 398-411.
Article discussing the need for the updating of the Canada Health Act. The article discusses what is missing as health care continues to advance.
International Nurse Regulator Collaborative. (2016, December). Social Media Use: Common Expectations for Nurse. https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/incr-social-media-use-common-expectations-for-nurses.pdf
PDF document in regards to the expectations that nurses should expect to face when posting and documenting on social media.
Nurse who “vented” online found guilty of professional misconduct. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2022, from https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-social-media-explaining-the-big-trend-3486616
Article discussing about a nurse who had a family member within a facility, and the nurse then vented on her social media platform regarding the care that the loved one received and how things should have been different. The nurse was disciplined within her work and college due to being unprofessional.
Step-by-Step Guide & Research Rescue: Evaluating Credibility. (2021, July 15). BYU Library. Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://guides.lib.byu.edu/c.php?g=216340&p=1428399
Guide to evaluate the credibility of information found online. Evaluating online information with timeliness, authority, audience, relevance and perspective. Finding the most recent information based on the topic you are writing about and ensuring that it is up to date. Making sure that you are not finding information based on a biased opinion and instead facts.
Website for the College of Nurses of Ontario. This website has a description of what the CNO is and what it does and also the standards of nursing within Ontario.
Used this website just to gain information in regards to what is "covered" by OHIP versus other provincial health care coverage.
College of Nurses. (2019, January). Practice Standards: Code of Conduct. https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/49040_code-of-conduct.pdf
A PDF for the nurses code of conduct that the puble can expect to receive their care in this way. Six principles within the code of conduct : Nurses respect the dignity of patients and treat them as individuals, Nurses work together to promote patient well-being, Nurses maintain patients' trust by providing safe and competent care, Nurses work respectfully with colleagues to best meet patients' needs, Nurses act with integrity to maintain patients' trust, and Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.